Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Funkie Junkie Focus – Tim Holtz Idea-ology Found Nature

Hello! Our current Funkie Junkie Focus is on the new release of Tim Holtz Idea-ology. There were some great pieces in this collection! I used a Small Etcetera Tag as my base and built from there:

Lisa Hoel for The Funkie Junkie Boutique  #creativejuicefreshsqueezed   #tim_holtz #thefunkiejunkieboutique

I used  a lot of new and old Idea-ology. It pays to have a stash!

Lisa Hoel for The Funkie Junkie Boutique  #creativejuicefreshsqueezed   #tim_holtz #thefunkiejunkieboutique

The Salvaged Hearts and Postmarked Sticker Book are both winners for sure! I mixed in Pocket Cards and pieces from various Ephemera packs as well.

Lisa Hoel for The Funkie Junkie Boutique  #creativejuicefreshsqueezed   #tim_holtz #thefunkiejunkieboutique

One of the smallest sized Vignette Boxes houses some Toadstools and other bits.

Lisa Hoel for The Funkie Junkie Boutique  #creativejuicefreshsqueezed   #tim_holtz #thefunkiejunkieboutique

I am in love with the new Cello Sticker Tape! Definitely need to stock up on that.

Thanks for stopping by. Keep an eye on the Funkie Junkie Boutique Blog, Inspiration Ave. to see all the inspiring content each week. Don't miss it…

Supplies used:

Pocket Cards
Ephemera - Curator
Mini Paper Clips
Vignette Box
Backdrops - Vol. 5

Tim Holtz Die Set - Specimen
Tim Holtz Stamp Sets - Halftone & Rings
Ranger Distress Archival Ink - Basics 4 Pk.

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